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En AndroBar desarrollamos sistemas de control de licor impulsados por software. Estamos creando nuevas ideas y cambiando la forma en que funciona y se integra un sistema de control de licor convencional a su POS. Nuestra tecnología "Punch-to-Pour" se integra con cualquier punto de venta y solo permite verter lo que se llama. Liberará completamente el tiempo que dedicas a equilibrar tu barra.

Calculating, Controlling, and Understanding Liquor Pour Cost

Controlling the Pour of Liquor Is Vital to Maintaining Quality and Cost. Tracking the pour cost in your bar is essential to your business' success.

Dec. 06, 2020


Why use a liquor control system?

There are many opportunities for mistakes behind a bar. Bartenders are working often without direct supervision. The temptation of handling large sums of cash and dealing with a liquid inventory cannot be controlled.

Dec. 12, 2020

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